If you're from Dublin and have an interest in the Irish language try to pick up a copy of Lá Nua today.
I've come across some lists of Irish words and phrases that were collected in various parts of the county during the 20th Century, there are over 300 of them in total and they're being published on a wallposter in the paper today. (The five individual lists which have more info the authors collected will be published in Lá Nua next week, and three of them are below).
The material in Lá Nua comes from several sources, 'Gaelic Dialect in East and Mid-Leinster' (1933) by Donn Piatt, the folklore journal Béaloideas, (from 1945 and 1947) 'Fair Fingall,' (written before 1949 by Peter Archer) and the article 'Irish in the Liberties' by Máirín Mooney in 'An Ghaeilge i mBaile Átha Cliath' (1985).
I was really surprised when I came across a list of 44 Irish words from Shankill in Donn Piatt's book a while back, I'd no idea that many Irish words survived into the 20th Century, but that was nothing till I came across the other 256 words from Fingal, the south-west of the county and the Liberties.
Phrases include Ná bac leis (never mind), Bun os cionn (upside down), Maith go leor (OK), Trí na chéile (mixed up), Lán a’mhála (full and plenty), Bí i do thost (be silent), A Stór mo chroí, Ochón í ó (alas), Cúl a'chinn (back of the head), Magairlín meidhreach (a love potion) and Mí-ádh (bad luck).
Among the words collected were bastún (an ignorant person), cábóg (a slovenly looking man), dreas (a spell), garsún (a boy), girseach (a girl), muise (indeed), rásaí (a gad about girl), scológ (a farmer), smacht (control) and toitín (a burning ember).
There are people, including some Irish speakers, who think that Irish was never spoken in Dublin.
If that were true then it would mean that the area now comprising Dublin county was completely uninhabited before the Vikings came and that the the Vikings, Anglo-Normans and English must have gotten Irish speakers from outside Dublin to give Irish names to towns, parishes, rivers, mountains etc in the county, which they then Anglicised.
That or Irish was spoken in Dublin!
In fact there hasn't been a time since the Irish language came to Ireland that Irish hasn't been spoken in Dublin.
According to the sources I have come across native Irish speakers were to be found in rural parts of Dublin up till the end of the 19th Century and they may even have made it into the 20th, and I'll post more details on this soon.
As far as dialect goes, based on the sources I've come across I'd say that Ulster Irish was spoken in the far north of the county and a dialect similar to Connacht Irish in the rest.
In terms of living dialects I reckon the closest one to the Irish that was spoken in most of Dublin is North Mayo Irish, which is a Connacht dialect that has some Ulster influences in it.
Due to contract agreements the material from Béaloideas can't be put on the online edition of Lá Nua (www.nuacht.com) or on this blog (Béaloideas plan to put all of their old editions on the web themselves), but the other three lists are below.
They include notes on pronunciation and meaning taken by the authors and I've also added extra notes from Ó Dónaill's and Dineen's Irish-English dictionaries to some of the words.
I've included at the bottom a list of Irish words that are still used in Dublin (and there are probably others that I haven't heard myself) as well as some placenames that are interesting in terms of how Irish was pronounced by native speakers of Irish in Dublin.
Irish has also left its mark on the way Dubs speak English, for example the phrases "I do be" and "I'm after" are direct translations from Irish and we say "I tink" and "Dis and dat" instead of "I think" and "This and that" because that 'th' sound isn't found in Irish.
Another possible translation is 'An bhfuair tú do ghiota?' a phrase in the Donegal Gaeltacht that means did you have sexual relations, as Bill Clinton would say, with someone.
Translate it directly into English and you get the quintessential Dub phrase 'Did you get your bit?' which means the exact same thing.
If you want a pdf copy of the wall poster that's in the paper today send an email to colmobroin@yahoo.ie.
Na Saoirsí (The Liberties)
An Ghaeilge i mBaile Átha Cliath (1985)
Irish in the Liberties: Máirín Mooney
Máirín Mooney started school in 1934 and said that the words below “were in use generally when I was growing up and I heard many people in Pimlico use them.”
Amadán: “He’s a right amadán.”
Banbh: “Snortin’ like a banbh.”
Bróg: “That child hasn’t a bróg on her foot.”
Bun os cionn: “Everything is bun os cionn.”
Cipín: “Throw a few cipíns on the fire.”
Cóta mór: “Put on your cóta mór.”
Dúidín: “The oul dúidín is gone out again.”
Flaithiúlach: “He’s very flaithiúlach.”
Gám: “Did you ever see such a gam?” (a fool).
Girseach: “She’s a grand girseach.”
Glic: “He’s very glic.”
Maith go leor.
Oighear: “The inside of his thighs are covered in oighear.”
Olagón: “I never heard such an ologóning.” Wailing, lamenting-Ó Dónaill.
Ráiméis: “That’s nothing but oul ráiméis.”
Rí rá: “There was a great rí-rá altogether.”
Slíbhín: “He’s a right slíbhín.”
Smacht: “I’ll put a bit of smacht on you me bucko.”
Smidirín: “The cup is in smidiríns.”
Smut: “She has a smut (or pus) on her.”
Spailpín: “A spailpín is all he is.”
Stuacán: “She’s no stuacán anyway.” Silent, sulky person-Ó Dónaill.
Tráithnín: “I don’t give a tráithnín.” A strong stem of grass, a thing of no value-Ó Dónaill.
Seanchill (Shankill)
Gaelic Dialect in East and Mid-Leinster (1933): Donn Piatt
“The South Dublin list was sent to me on June 12th 1933 by P. Ó Murchadha, of Bray, a native of Shankill, who got the words from his mother, a Shankill woman, and his father, a North Wicklow man, very many years ago…I called on him at Parkgate Street, Dublin in June 1933 and got him to read the list, in his own pronunciation, while I marked stress and other peculiarities.”
A Mhuirnín (Avourneen): Love, stress on 'vour'.
Aindeiseoir (Angashore): A down and out.
Amadán (Amadauon): A fool.
Báirseach (Baurshach): A barge.
Bogán (Bogaun): A bad egg.
Brosna (Brasna): Firewood.
Cáibín (Caubeen): An old hat-Ó Dónaill.
Caorán (Cawrawn): “The year of the cawrawns.” A bad year for turf-About 1863 according to a Connamara friend. Fragment, small sod of turf-Ó Dónaill.
Cianóg (Keenoge): A farthing.
Ciaróg (Keerogue): A black beetle.
Ciotóg (Kithogue): Left hand.
Cipín (Kippeen/Kippin): A stick.
Clábar (Claubar): Dirt.
Cláirín (Cloreyeen/Clorezhyeen): A street stall. Clár: Table, counter-Ó Dónaill.
Diúg: A drink. Normal slender 'd,' not 'j' sound. Drop-Ó Dónaill.
Fraochán (Fraughan): Bilberry-Ó Dónaill.
Fústar (Fooster): Fumbling.
Gáibín (Gawbeen/Gawby): A fool.
Gamaille (Gomallyeh): A fool. Gamal-Ó Dónaill.
Gíog: Sign of life. “Not a gíog out of him.” Cheep, chirp-Ó Dónaill.
Gobán (Gubbawn): An awkward workman.
Gortach (Gurtach): Greedy.
Gruama (Gromagh): Gloomy, cantankerous.
Lán a’mhála (Lawn a vawla): “You’ll get lawn a vawla.”
Leipreachán (Leprechawn/Limrachawn): A fairy.
Maoil (Mweel/Meel): A hornless cow.
Moill (Moyle): “Not a moill on him.”
Ná bac leis (Nabocklish).
Óinseach (Oenshuch): A she fool.
Paltóg (Pullthogue): A blow.
Póirín (Poreyeen): A seed potato.
Praiseach (Prashock): Yellow weed in corn. Praiseach bhuí: Charlock, field mustard-Ó Dónaill.
Raiméis (Rawmawsh): Nonsense.
Ráithín (Raheen): Small rath.
Seamróg (Shamrouge/Shamarogue): A shamrock.
Síbín (Shebeen): A place where illicit spirits are sold.
Sleán (Slane): A turf spade.
Slusaíocht (Slooader): To coax. Flattery, toadyism-Ó Dónaill.
Smidirín (Smidireen): A tiny piece.
Sram (Srawm): Matter for the eyes. Gum, mucous of eyes-Ó Dónaill.
Sraoill (Streel): An untidy woman. Bedraggled person-Ó Dónaill.
Suim (Seem): Heed, “Put no seem on it” (Shortish 'ee').
Súrán (Shoorawn): Hollowed reed used by children as pea-shooter.
Uallán (Olyawn): An awkward fool.
Words and phrases that may have come from Irish.
Geck: A look, appearance.
Rawm: To grab (from gream, ‘greim’?).
Fair Fingall: Peter Archer (1866-1949)
Peter Archer was born in Oldtown in Fingal in 1866.
He had a keen interest in Gaelic games and was one of the founders of the Wild Geese club in Oldtown.
He was a leading member of Conradh na Gaeilge and the Irish Literary Society and he was appointed manager of An Claidheamh Soluis in 1898.
He described Fingal as “much of Dublin north of the River Tolka.”
A Théagair (Ahaygar): A word used in an affectionate or sympathetic sense, generally by women towards children. A théagair: Darling, beloved one.
Aird (Art): A place or part of the surrounding area not specifically defined. Used in the expression “I searched every art and part.”
Ais luachra (Ashlayer): Newt, lizard.
Aithris (Airishin): Mimicking another person’s speech.
Amadán (Awmadhan): A fool.
Bábhún (Bawn): A yard or enclosure adjoining a farmhouse into which cattle are taken from the fields in winter weather at night-time for shelter.
Bacach (Bockagh): Lame.
Báire (Bayrie): A goal in football or hurly.
Báirseach (Barge): A scold, find fault noisily. Corruption of báirseach. Scolding woman-Ó Dónaill.
Balbhán (Follabawn): A dumb person.
Balcaiseán (Bulkeshan): Ragwort. Buachalán-Ó Dónaill.
Barraise (Borrie): A domineering person, a bully, an upstart, an arrogant or aspiring person. Báirseoir-Ó Dónaill.
Bí i do thost (Buddahust): Be silent.
Bodhar (Bothered): Deaf, corruption of bodhar.
Breac (Brackery): Brindled or speckled.
Breis (Breash): Helping in the work of churning milk. Any person entering a farmhouse when churning in an old fashioned way (with a churn dash) was in progress was expected to assist for a moment or two at least. This help was supposed to be lucky and was termed “giving a breash.”
Broc (Brock): A badger.
Brosna (Brusna): Small dry sticks used for kindling a fire.
Buailtín (Boalkeen): That part of a flail which strikes the corn in thrashing.
Buarán (Boorans/Bookeraun): Dry cow-dung. Sometimes used as fuel.
Cabach (Cobbagh): Precocious. Cabach: Gabby. Babbling, loquacious-Ó Dónaill.
Cáibín (Caubeen): An old hat.
Caidhp báis (Kybosh): A decisive final destruction, action or judgment.
Caimseog (Gamhshowgin): Playful deceit or trickery. Fib-Ó Dónaill.
Camán (Common): A hurly, hurling.
Cár (Corr): A grimace or expression of sulleness or impudence, made by thrusting out the lips.
Casán (Causey): A footpath. Cosán/Casán-Ó Dónaill.
Ceangal (Langle): A rope used for fettering a cow or goat.
Ciaróg (Ceerogue): A beetle.
Ciotach (Cittah): Left. Used as an adjective to qualify the word fist only, eg “He has a cittah fist.”
Ciotóg (Cittogue): The left hand, a left handed person.
Clab (Clawb): A big mouth.
Clábar (Clauber): Mud.
Cliabh (Cleeve): A large basket.
Cliabhán (Cleevan): A cage trap (for birds) made with slender sticks.
Cnag (Cregg): A light (blow, knock) on the head with the knuckles of partly closed fingers.
Cnat (Cinnatt): Bargainer who through trickery gets an unfair advantage. A dodger. Gnat, Mean person-Ó Donaill.
Coigeal (Cighaul): Portion of the name of a reed, “The Fairies’ Cighaul.” Coigeal na mBan Sí. Reed Mace.
Crabhait (Kouth): A wizened, miserable looking person. Crabhait: An insignificant person. Puny, miserable creature-Ó Dónaill.
Crabhaitéal (Crowel): A decrepit person. Craibhtéal: an insignificant person. Variation of crabhait-Ó Dónaill.
Creabhar (Kirower): A gadfly, horsefly.
Crúb (Croob): The foot of a pig, goat or sheep.
Crúca an Mhada (Crockamaudha): The Dog’s Crook, a trick in wrestling.
Cruit (Crith): A hump on the back. A person with shoulders hunched in wintry weather is described as having a “crith of cold on him.”
Crup (Crub): To contract the body by bending. Crap/Crup-Ó Dónaill.
Cruptha (Crubbed): Contracted or bent. A person bent in the shoulders and at the knees owing to any cause is said to be crubbed up. The hedgehog when it assumes the spherical shape is also similarly referred to. Corruption of cruptha-warped, contracted, bent or crippled. Craptha/Cruptha-Ó Dónaill.
Cuiricín (Currikeen): The curled crest or top-knot on the plover’s head. Crest-Ó Dónaill.
Cúl a'chinn (Coolican): The back of the head.
Dallán (Dhullawn): A blind sieve, used as a measure for oats in feeding horses.
Darbhdaol (Dardheel): The Devil's Coachhorse, a species of beetle or chafer. Darbhdaol/Deargadaol-Ó Dónaill.
Deannach (Gannoch): Pollard, deannach-mill dust. Dust-Ó Dónaill.
Dona (Danny/Dawny): Delicate, weak in failing health.
Driog (Dhrig): The final drops in milking. Droplet-Ó Dónaill.
Dúdóg (Dudog): A box on the ear.
Éacht/Éachtaint (Hate): A thing, act or hint. Used in expressions as “I could not get a hate out of him”. Éacht-a deed or act, Éachtaint-an inkling or hint.
Filibín (Fillibeen): Plover. Filibín/Pilibín-Ó Dónaill.
Flaithiúlach (Flahoolagh): Generous.
Fógra Gaoithe (Foogragee): A garrulous person who cannot keep a secret and takes pleasure in disseminating news of every description, whether obtained in confidence or otherwise. From Fógra-a proclamation, Gaoth-the wind. A person so anxious to give news that failing listeners he would shout his tidings to the wind.
Fothain (Fonah): Shelter.
Fuinneog (Hinogues): Bits of broken window glass.
Fústar (Foosther): To fuss about a person obsequiously. A dog jumping around his master, waging his tail and acting as if he wanted something is said to be foosthering.
Gabhal (Goil): A forked stick used in setting the ‘cleevan’ or bird trap.
Gabhar Aerdha (Gowerairah): The jack snipe.
Gabhgaide (Gaubey): A person with an expression of intense curiosity rudely stares at others engaged in a game or occupation. Gabhgaide: One who looks on at cards, an idler. Gaper, onlooker (at cards), hanger on-Ó Dónaill.
Gad (Gad): The cord or strap which joins the bottom parts of the hames in horse harness is called the breast gad. Gad brollaigh: Breast strap-Ó Dónaill.
Gám (Gaum): A foolish person.
Gamaille (Gomeril): A fool. Gamal-Ó Dónaill.
Gamalacht (Gaumaction): Horse play, clownish tricks. Gamach-a clown. Loutishness, silliness-Ó Dónaill.
Gasún (Gossoon): A boy, up to the age of puberty.
Geamaí (Gammy): Weak eyed. Geamaighe-blear eyed (Meath). Geamach-Ó Dónaill.
Gearrán (Garron): An old horse (the word is used in a disparaging sense).
Girseach (Girsha): A young girl.
Glám (Claum/Glaum): To maul or handle anything to its detriment. To grope awkwardly with outstretched hands. To unsuccessfully attempt to grasp an evasive person e.g. “he began to glawm about in the dark.” Grab, clutch-Ó Dónaill.
Gleic (Gleek): A grip in wrestling.
Gliog (Glug): A gurgling sound such as liquid makes when being poured from a bottle. Gliog-to gurgle.
Gob (Gob): An uncomplimentary word for ‘mouth.’
Gob/Gobán (Gub/Guban): A captious critic, who professes knowledge he does not always possess. Gub and Guban are used ironically. Both words are contractions of the name of the master craftsman of ancient days the famous ‘gobán saor.’
Goiste (Goster): A friendly chat or gossip.
Gor (Gur): “On gur.” Keeping away from home because of some unpleasantness, or in order to avoid punishment for some fault. Gor: To hatch, incubate-Ó Dónaill.
Grá (Grah): Love, affection.
Griog (Greg): To tantalize.
Gríosach (Greisha): Live ashes.
Grog (Grug): A haunch.
Gruama (Grumah): Sourfaced, glum.
Hurais (Hurrish): A call to pigs at feeding time.
Lach (Leeic): Call to ducks. Lacha/Lach: Duck-Ó Dónaill.
Láine Dé (Lawneyday): An exclamation of surprise or regret. Láine Dé: Fullness or perfection of God.
Lán a’mhala (Launawalla): Abundance.
Leadair (Leddher): To beat with the hands, or with a strap, stick or other such article. Smite, beat-Ó Dónaill.
Liobar (Lybber): A hanging upper lip. Liobar: Anything placid, limp, hanging or untidy.
Lúb (Loob): A loop.
Lus na Laoch (Lusonalee): A medicinal herb, Orpine. Rosefoot-www.focal.ie.
Magh go brách/Maith go breá? (Mawgabraw): An expression used as a parting shot towards a person who having taken offence at some trivial matter, leaves his companions or home with the declaration that he is finished with old associations. Magh go brath-The field forever.
Maith go leor (Mawgalore): A good supply.
Maoilín (Mewlyeen): A naturally hornless cow, bullock or heifer.
Mar dhea (Mawryah): A word used in an ironical sense at the end of an assertation or statement, which implies that the preceding words have quite the opposite meaning. Thus “a gentleman mawyrah” means he poses as or pretends to be a gentleman, but lacks the necessary qualities.
Mealbhóg (Malavogue): To beat severely.
Midilín (Migilyeen): The band of leather or untanned horse-hide connecting the hand-staff and swingle of a flail. Thong of flail-Ó Dónaill.
Milleadh theip (Millye-hip): An unfortunate occurance. An injury, accidental or otherwise. A disastrous attempt, anything productive of disappointment, disastrous or affliction. Milleadh-Act of breaking or injury and Teip-failure, go to form this word. Milleadh teip: An injurious failure.
Muise (Mush): A grimace of contempt made by the lips being turned outwards.
Ná bac leis (Nabocklish): Never mind.
Paidrín (Podreen): A small potato. Bead, 'Bhí na prátaí ina bpaidríní ar na gais.'-Ó Dónaill.
Pisreog (Pishrogues): Superstitions, charms.
Plámás (Plaumish): Flattery.
Plásaí (Plossey): A flatterer.
Plobairsín (Plubisheen): A march marigold.
Poc (Puck): A blow with the fist.
Pocán (Pockaun): A male goat.
Práiscín (Praskeen): An apron.
Praiseach (Preshagh): A yellow-blossomed weed, 'wild mustard.' Praiseach bhuí: Field mustard-Ó Dónaill.
Prog (Prug): Word used in calling cows at a distance to come in for milking. The word is also used in speaking soothingly to a cow during milking. Progaí-Ó Dónaill.
Pus (Puss): A pout, also the mouth.
Racán (Ruckaun): A noisy quarrelsome group of persons. A boisterous company bent on mischief, also players in old-time football games who had no set places on the field but followed the ball in a group somewhat in the style of the present day rugby forwards.
Raiméis (Ramaush): Nonsensical talk.
Ránaí (Rawney): A tall, gaunt person or animal.
Rásaí (Rossie): A rude, robust, blustering female. Gadabout, vagrant-Ó Dónaill.
Sabhaircín (Summer): Primrose.
Saileach (Sally): The willow tree.
Sámhánaí (Sawny): A soft easy going person.
Sanachan (Sanacan): A farm labourer who was hired for a year and boarded and lodged by an employer was, if at the expiration of that period he suggested another situation, termed a Sanacan. The period of service always terminated on the Saturday proceeding the first Sunday in May which later was referred to as “Sanacan Sunday.” Sanacan: A person travelling to seek new quarters, the word is used in a old poem in reference to the recruits for the Irish Brigade in France in which one of the Wild Geese says in reference to himself and his companions crossing the seas. “atamoid ar an sanachan.”
Scabhat (Scrait): A passage or hole at the foot of a hedge through which a rabbit or other small animal can pass. Narrow, windy passage-Ó Dónaill.
Scaird (Scurt): A syringe. Squirt, jet, gush-Ó Dónaill.
Scalltán (Scoulthan): An unfledged bird.
Sceabhach (Skow): Slanting or awry. Skew, slanting, oblique-Ó Dónaill.
Scealp (Skelp): A blow, a splinter or piece knocked off anything. Scealp-a piece.
Sciodar (Skiddher): Purge. Sciodarnach: (Act of) scouring, scour-Ó Dónaill.
Scolb (Scollob): A splinter of wood pieces or briar put lengthwise used in thatching houses. Scolb: A splinter of wood or bone.
Scológ (Scullogue): A farmer. Scológ: A husbandman or farmer.
Scráib (Sgraub): A tear or rough scratch, with the nails of a person or animal. Scráib: a scrape or scratch.
Siúlóir (Shuler): A tramp. Itinerant-Ó Dónaill.
Slíbhín (Sleeveen): A sly underhand person.
Slim (Slim): Unleavened.
Slog (Slug): The quantity of liquid taken in a swallow or gulp.
Slusaire (Slootherer): A wheedler, a person who persuades with flattery in his own interest. Wheedler-Dineen.
Smeach (Smock): A kick. Used only in reference to a person suddenly rendered unconscious thus “There’s not a smock in him.”
Snagach (Snookin): Creeping, or moving stealthily in a crouching posture. Snagach: slow, creeping, snail like. Creeping-Ó Dónaill.
Soc (Sock): A ploughshare. Soc céachta: Ploughshare-Ó Dónaill.
Spág (Spawg): A flat or otherwise malformed foot. Spág-a long flat foot or club foot.
Sparra (Sparable): A small nail. Sparra: a nail, spike or bar. A spar, nail-Dineen.
Spéis (Pass): Notice, heed, attendence. Used in conjunction with the word put e.g., “I put no pass on him” which means “I did not notice him” or “I ignored him.”
Spideog (Spidhogue): A frail puny person. Robin, tiny child-Ó Dónaill.
Splanc (Splank): A spark, an atom.
Sraith (Sraith): A single layer of greensward turned up by the plough. Sraith-a layer, a row, a rack, a series.
Sraoill (Sthreel): A slattern, untidy woman. Bedraggled person-Ó Dónaill.
Sraoill (Sthreelin): Trailing or dragging or hanging loose in contact with the ground. Walking through wet grass is called “sthreelin” by women who have had the lower portion of their skirts saturated in the process. Ag sraoilleadh sa lathach: Trailing in the mud-Ó Dónaill.
Storc (Sthurk): A small pig of stunted growth. Piglet-Ó Dónaill.
Súgán (Suggaun): A rope of hay or straw.
Tálach (Thaulach): A pain or cramp in the muscles of the wrist due to heavy manual work. Cramp, swelling in wrist-Ó Dónaill.
Taoibhín (Theeveen): A patch on the side of a boot or shoe.
Taom (Teem): To bail water from a pool. Empty of water, pour off, bail-Ó Dónaill.
Taomach (Thaumach): Awkward, dangerous, applied to persons who have an unhappy knack of causing bodily harm to others by their actions even in play. Subject to fits, hysteical-Ó Dónaill.
Toch (Toch): Call to pigs.
Tuilleadh (Tilly): A small quantity of liquid sold by measure, given gratuitously in excess of exact measure. Tuilleadh: a further share.
Tulc (Thulk): A butt or blow given with the head. A strong blow, a prod or gore-Dinneen.
Words and phrases that may have come from Irish.
Bealin (Bíoga): A throbbing sensation of pain ina wound or sore. Indications of a tendency towards festering. Probably a corruption biodhaighe: Glór biodhaighe=a throbbing voice. Bíoga fuinnimh: Pulses of energy-Ó Dónaill.
Bellourin (Béal): Crying aloud without tears, from béal.
Bock (Bach): A wooden ball (sometimes a gnarled briar-root) used in playing camánaith. Bach: Knob.
Brave (Breá): Fine or good. Corruption of breagh. Applied to weather thus “A brave day,” “A brave bit of sunshine.” Also applied to satisfactory crops as “a brave field of potatoes” etc.
Cauthie: An irresponsible untrustworthy person.
Clockin (Clagach): As applied to brooding hens. It also applied to persons who complain a lot of ill-health on occasions. Clagach: Cackling. Clacking, clattering-Ó Dónaill.
Clousther (Clúdaithe): To cover head and shoulders with clothing, as protection from the weather. Probably a corruption of clúdtha=covered, hidden or protected.
Cuckle (Coicil): The burdock, Coicil: the common burdock.
Dawk (Dealg): A prickle or spine of a thorn. A Fingallian getting a prod from one of these prickles describes it as a “prod of a dawk.” This word may be Danish. 'Dalkey' is accepted as a Danish word meaning 'Thorn Island.'
Dhur (Dorn): A blow with the fist.
Dowhder: A blow with the fist on the ear.
Ferrin (Fírinneach): The first sod, scratch or mark made by the plough in a field when is it being broken. Probably from fírinneach: True, straight. Should the 'ferrin' not be straight the succeeding sods will also be 'out of truth' as the local saying is.
Gaulogah: A leech.
Gug (Guagach): A short jerky motion up and down, waddling like a duck. Guagach: unsteady, unstable, wavering-Ó Dónaill.
Loothy (Lodartha): A slovenly, uncouth person. Grovelling, abject, base, vulgar-Ó Dónaill.
Missed (Mhothaghas): Noticed, perceived. Probably a corruption of the Gaelic word Mothuigeas. Used thus, “I never missed him till he was up beside me,” “You don’t miss the time passing,” “After 12th day you can miss the days getting longer.”
Mossy diemens (An mbás an deamhain): A mild expletive used thus, “by the mossy demons.” This is probably a corruption of ‘An mbás an deamhain,’ by the demon's death.
Pastin: A beating, Péastáilim: I beat.
Racker (Réisteoir): A kind of horse boy possessed of speed, stamina and knowledge of a district in which he operates, attends a hunt and follows the riders on foot for the purpose of assisting (for due recompence) riders who may get in difficulties by being thrown from their horses. He also opens gates, removes obstacles for the benefits of a certain class of horseman. Probably a corruption réisteoir: a reliever.
Reaf (Réabadh): A considerable rent in a garment, a gagged lengthy tear, to tear a fabric in two parts with a forceful wrench of the hands is called “reafin it asunder.” Réabadh: act of tearing.
Scrabble (Scrabhadh): A confused struggle on the ground by several persons for the possession of some article (such as a coin) thrown at the feet, Scrabhadh: Scratching-Ó Dónaill.
Shan (Sean): A dwarf in a family of otherwise well grown persons. Amongst animals and poultry one of a litter or brood which is much smaller than any of its companions is called “the shan,” meaning probably the old one whose growth is finished.
Sliddher (Sliodarnach): To skip or slide. Sliodarnach: sliding.
Smaddhered (Smachtaithe): Beaten, defeated, severely punished. (from) Smachtuigthe.
Spang (Spreang): A long running stride over an obstacle. Spreang: a spring, jump-Ó Dónaill.
Sthaddlin (Stad): A foundation of stone, thorns or bushes on which ricks and stacks of hay and corn are built. Probably a corruption of stad, a stop or station.
Sthawmin (Stabhaíl): Walking awkwardly. Probably a corruption of stabhghail: limping. Stabhaíl-Ó Dónaill.
Towelt (Toghail): A resounding blow, a bang. “The towelt of the flail on the barn floor,” “The towelt of a drum.” Toghail: sack, destroy-Ó Dónaill.
Wangle (Ceangal): A small bundle of straw used in thatching corn ricks.
Irish words that are still used in Dublin.
Bábóg (Babóg): Baby or young child. Doll-Ó Dónaill.
Mar dhea
Rí-rá agus ruaille buaille
Phrases/words that come from Irish.
He does be-Bíonn sé
I'm after-Táim tar éis
To fall out of you standing-Titim as do sheasamh
Did you get you bit-An bhfuair tú do ghiota
Dublin Placenames
Here are some place names that are interesting in terms of pronunciation
Crockshane-Cnoc Sheáin
Crooksling-Cnoc Slinne
Crockaundreenagh-Cnocán Draigheanach
Glendoo-Gleann Dubh
Skidoo-Sceach Dubh
Random Kick Bruises Poodle
8 hours ago
Very interesting!
ReplyDeleteAmbaiste! :)
ReplyDeleteGo raibh míle maith agat!
think aon sceal as a greating and whats the story. is interesting. and rud is a brillient word have friends who moved over sees. a common story is asking there partners to hand us that thing. but thats all probably hiberno english but i think theres a bit of a link the way english is spoken in dublin and irish.
ReplyDelete"An bhfuair tú do ghiota?" was à total invention of west Belfast wans based on English much like "Goidé mar?" and other tripe
ReplyDeleteAlt an-spéisiúil. Tá leithéidí '"An bhfuair tú do ghiota?" is "Goidé mar?" sa teanga le fada go leor anois, agus glacadh an-fhorleathan leo. Níl fadhb agam leo. Tá 'AN bhfuair tú (do) p(h)oll?' ann leis!
ReplyDeleteÉamonn - an é gur thosaigh muintir na Gaeltachta ag déanamh aithrise ar na déagóirí ó Bhéal Feirste?